Thursday, October 9, 2008

My New Blog....

This is my new blog... I have a lot of work still to do on it and since I'm no expert in html... it may take me a little while to get it completely the way I wanted it. I switched from wordpress to blogspot just because it seems easier to change it the way I want it and get bigger pictures instead of the smaller ones on wordress. I'm sure you can do the same thing on wordpress, but I couldn't figure it out... so anyways... heres my new blog home. I hope you all will enjoy it :)
If you want to refer back to any of my past sessions that were on my blog.. my old blog is still up at ... Thanks~~!
I'll start my new blog off by showing off a couple of new pictures of my 5 year old daughter Lily that I took the other day modeling some tutus for :)

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