Thursday, May 28, 2009

May 28, 2009

This mornings session was with 9 day old Preston. Ahhh what a cutie pie! I could have just eaten him with a spoon! So precious. Here are a few faves...


thousand words photography said...

okay...these are GORGEOUS!! just perfection! love, love, love!!

Beth Wild said...

You rock ALL ages! These are so beautiful....perfect little baby.

Unexpected Moments Photography said...

These are absolutely amazing! What a treasure to have for the parents!

Sarah Mansur said...

These are so sweet!!! Love the first one!

Shawn said...

What a gorgeous baby and you posed him so very well! Just beautiful!

jennifer adams said...

omgoodness girl these are amazing, just beautiful love that first one especially!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! I love these!

Sandie said...

Delicious!! ALL of them!!!

Shey said...

wow wow wow!!!!!! These are perfection!!! Amazing job!

Kristen said...

They are all PERFECT but the first one is TO.DIE.FOR! I've tried and tried that pose with my babies but no luck...yet. ;)

Angela said...

How precious! Great work!

Carley Mac said...


Magan said...

I am forever amazed at how you get those babies to pose without waking up and crying!
Do you use a poser or pillows or what, I am dumbfounded!

Mrs. Burns said...

SOOO precious! I can just smell his newborn goodness!

Sarah Albert said...

I LOVE that first one. These are so sweet!

heavenesque said...

Oh my ...... these are just perfection Tracy!!!